Hannover Messe 2019 - 50 Years Experience in Gearbox Manufacturing to touch

NGC at HMI 2019

Technique to touch – that is was we wanted to show. With the intention to give the visitor the opportunity to convince himself about the ruggedness and the manufacturing quality of NGC products, NGC presented a selection of in total six real gearboxes out of the whole industrial product portfolio.

NGC's New Modular Turbo Gearbox MTG

NGC's new turbo gearbox MTG and the modular planetary gearbox MP were without any doubt the two main attractions. NGC's bucket elevator gearbox (MBE) was also commonly complimented by the visitors. NGC's winch, traveling and rotating gearbox completed the shown selection.

But it was not solely our aim to present us as a competent supplier with reliable and deliberate manufactured products. We understand ourselves as a competent global partner in power transmission, who also scores in regards of comprehensive services. Even if that is still on us to prove for each single order over and over again, we venture the statement - and hope you agree - that we succeeded in having done the first step in that respect successfully at the show.

Hannover Messe as one of the leading industrial international trade shows, was furthermore the perfect platform for us to celebrate our 50th birthday. We are proud of 50 years being in the power transmission business and of the knowledge and expertise our customers can rely on. We regard every day as a new challenge to become even better.

All in all, five exciting and successful trade show days lie behind us and we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who visited us during the show. We hope that you enjoyed your stay at our booth and that we were able to help you with our expertise. We look forward to being further connected and build up a long-term reliable partnership. You can be sure that we will take any of your concerns seriously.


Upcoming Events NGC Global

11-12- March 2025
Aachen, Germany

33. Windenergietage
12-14 November 2025
Potsdam, Germany
Booth tbd

PR and Media

Mrs. Katja Garstecki

+49 203 509 600 12
