Corona: NGC donates laptops to support online education

Since school closures due to Corona, lessons have been happening online for many pupils. But necessary computer equipment is missing in many cases like at the St. Hildegardis Gymnasium in Duisburg. When NGC got to know about the situation, we checked our internal laptop stock and identified fifteen suitable devices for a donation campaign to the school.

Source: Adobe Stock

The necessary installation of new hard disks in the computers for data security reasons was taken over by NGC’s SAP Solution provider iSystems free of charge.

Within a few days, all computers were ready for immediate use and could be handed over to the school management, who will take care of the distribution, as regular in-school classes are still not able to take place. The school’s headmistress and deputy headmaster thanked iSystems and NGC and said that they are glad now to be able to support those pupils with laptops, for whom online lessons had to take place on the small mobile phone display up to now due to a lack of adequate technical equipment. They hope that this wonderful campaign will have some more followers.”

Tim Löschner (NGC Europe) and Steffen Kamphoff (iSystems) hand over the first 10 out of 15 laptops to the headmistress of the school.


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